Tuesday, March 20, 2018

Save Our Trees!

This is the last week of our Inquiry Unit about our Natural Bush and Trees. 
This week we looked at how much we use trees and what are some of the dangers that trees face. 

We watched some pretty eye opening videos about some of the things our trees face - both in New Zealand and around the world. You can check them out here: 

We then talked about some of the things we could do help protect them and created posters - with recycled paper. of course. Check out some of our posters - what can YOU do to help our trees? 


  1. Room 17 put so much effort into these posters. I was astounded. There are lots of ideas of how we can save our trees.

  2. I really liked doing the saving trees project.


Being Brainy

We had Being Brainy come in and spend an afternoon with them. Here are some reflections of what we did.  On Monday we had a p...