Tuesday, August 14, 2018

Being Brainy

We had Being Brainy come in and spend an afternoon with them. Here are some reflections of what we did. 

On Monday we had a presentation from Being Brainy and we had the chance to touch brains. We got a picture of a star and we had to look at it in a mirror and trace it. Then we had to do the buttoning up competition and we had to see if we could button up a shirt. We had to not use the hand we write with. 
By Oliver. 

On Monday we had a presentation from Being Brainy. 
Some of the things we did were
1. trace a star using a mirror
2. Button shirts with one hand
3. Touch a rat, cat and human brain. 
Something I found interesting was the brains. The lady helped us learn all about different brains. 
My favourite part was the star trace because it was so fun. 
By Zara 

On Monday we had a presentation from Being Brainy. We touched different brains. My favourite part was the jelly bean experiment. Something I found interesting was tracing the star with a mirror. 
By Blaze

On Monday we had a presentation from being brainy. Some of the things we did was touching brains. We touched a cat brain, a human brain, a rat brain and a monkey brain. They were a bit heavy for me  but I am heavier than all four brains. 
Something I found interesting was the jellybean experiment because I was quite good at stopping at the right time. 
By Ayla

On Monday we had a presentation for being brainy. 
Some of the things we did were
1. look at and touch brains
2. The button it up challenge: This was that you had to use your left hand to button the t-shirt if you are right handed and your right hand if you are left handed. 
3. look at cells
4. drop jellybeans for reaction time( and eat it) 
5. and talk about the human brain
6. The star challenge: you had a template of a star and you needed to trace between the lines but you were only allowed to use a mirror. 
My favourite part was drawing the star challenge because I like challenging stuff. 
Something I  found interesting was looking at the cells because they look like aliens! 
By Felix

On Monday we had a presentation from being brainy. 
Some of the things we did were 
1. Trace  a star using only a mirror
2. Button a shirt up only using your hand you don't write with 
3. and we touched brains. 
My favourite part was eating the jelly beans and touching the brains. 
Something I found interesting was doing the jelly bean experiment and looking at and touching the brains. 
By Maia

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Being Brainy

We had Being Brainy come in and spend an afternoon with them. Here are some reflections of what we did.  On Monday we had a p...